Extract the downloaded zip file to your desired directory.
Open the directory in which you have extracted the zip file and start the launcher executable (AOULauncher.exe).
The launcher should now open up and display the path to your Among Us installation
If the launcher doesn't recognize your installation of Among Us and is displaying a warning message: Among Us could not be found, click on the warning message, navigate to your Among Us installation and select the executable.
Click Install button on the launcher to begin installing the mod.
WARNING: This guide has not been fully tested.
Additional Pre-requisites
You'll need some additional software if you want to play Launchpad on Linux:
A wine installation
Protontricks (if you're using Steam)
Extract the downloaded zip file to your desired directory.
Open a terminal in the directory in which you have extracted the zip file and run wine AOULauncher.exe. The Launcher should open.
Absolutely do NOT close the terminal at this stage.
There is a pretty big chance the launcher will fail to find Among Us. Click the warning and proceed to navigate to your Among Us installation.
Steam - Varies from distro to distro to distro:
Ubuntu/Debian based distros: ~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/Among Us
Fedora ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/Among Us
Alternatively, navigate to Among Us' page on Steam, click on the gear icon and click Browse Local Files to find the path to your Among Us installation.
Heroic - ~/Games/Heroic/AmongUs
Click on install and wait for it to finish. You may close the launcher now.
Now, you will have to open winecfg to allow BepInEx to run on game launch:
Steam - Open Protontricks, choose Among Us, use the default prefix and open winecfg
Heroic - Right click on Among Us, go to Settings and scroll down until you see winecfg and click it
Once winecfg is open, go to the Libraries tab and add a new override for winhttp. Then apply, and close winecfg.
Voila! The mod is now installed! Hit launch and enjoy the fun!
Note: Launchpad may take a while to load on the first launch.