Custom Options

From Launchpad Wiki
Revision as of 13:51, 11 April 2024 by Xtracube (talk | contribs)


Launchpad adds many new settings to the game. Roles and Game Modes also get their own options, but those will not be listed here. To view Role or Game Mode options, please view their respective pages.

Game Mode

  • Currently selected game mode
  • Game Mode specific options can be found in their respective pages


Voting Type

  • Classic: Normal voting style from base game, Among Us
  • Chance: Each vote increases the chance a player gets ejected. At the end of voting, a random player is ejected using the number of votes as random chances
  • Multiple: Players can vote multiple times
    • Max Votes: Maximum number of votes each player gets
    • Allow Multiple Votes for Same Player: Players can vote for the same person multiple times
  • Combined: Combines Multiple voting with Chance voting