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A Medic, as indicated by the green name text


The Medic is a crewmate role with the ability to revive dead players. Revived players have special restrictions imposed on them, please see Special Mechanics.


Revive Players

The Medic has the ability to revive dead bodies.

A medic reviving a player

Drag Bodies

If the Medic role option for Drag Bodies is enabled, the Medic is able to move bodies around. This ability is useful when the Revive in Med/Lab setting is enabled. It can also make games more interesting if there is a Janitor in the game, an impostor role who also has the ability to drag bodies.

A medic's ability to drag bodies.

Special Mechanics

A revived player, as indicated by the green outline.

Revived players have a green outline around them and are unable to chat. They also lose their roles and become normal crewmates.

Role Options

Max Revives

  • The maximum number of times a Medic is allowed to use the Revive ability

Revive Cooldown

  • The duration of time for the Revive ability to recharge

Only Revive in Med/Lab

  • Medics are only allowed to revive bodies in the Medbay or Laboratory rooms.
  • This option force enables the Can Drag Bodies option.

Can Drag Bodies