
From Launchpad Wiki
Revision as of 12:52, 10 April 2024 by Robin.locksley (talk | contribs) (Add a note stating that the first run takes a while to load)


Before installing the mod, you'll need to ensure the following:

  • A Discord account.
  • Among Us (Steam, Epic Games,

Installing the mod

  • Extract the downloaded zip file to your desired directory.
  • Open the directory in which you have extracted the zip file and start the launcher executable (AOULauncher.exe).
  • The launcher should now open up and display the path to your Among Us installation
    • If the launcher doesn't recognize your installation of Among Us and is displaying a warning message: Among Us could not be found, click on the warning message, navigate to your Among Us installation and select the executable.
  • Click Install button on the launcher to begin installing the mod.

Voila! The mod is now installed! Hit launch and enjoy the fun!

Note: Launchpad may take a while to load on the first launch.